Friday, December 3, 2010
Shoes of Patience -- Jack W.
Friday, November 12, 2010
These Shoes Are Blue!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Weapons In the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment
Prevention and early detection cannot be overemphasized. GET A MAMMOGRAM. The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women age 40 and older should have a screening mammogram every year, and should continue to do so for as long as they are in good health. Click here to begin learning about the procedure and the important role mammograms play in the early detection of breast cancer.
If mammogram costs are a hindrance to you, call your local health department, or the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 for information about facilities in your area that perform the tests at low or no cost. The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) also provides breast and cervical cancer early detection testing to women without health insurance for free or at very little cost. To learn more about this program, please contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at 1-800-CDC INFO (1-800-232-4636) or visit their Web site at
But, hey, enough of that serious stuff. Check Your Boobies! No kidding -- that's the name of the organization, whose mission is to ". . . educate women about breast health in a frank, fun, and fear-free manner. [They] are dedicated to the prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer." And, if you're tired of Tupperware or Pampered Chef parties, make sure to take note of the resources and testimonials on this site for planning your very own "CYB Party."
Useful Services
For women who are undergoing treatment for breast cancer, climbing out of bed in the morning can be nearly impossible, let alone trying to clean house. But, Cleaning for a Reason can help with that chore. Go to the site and apply!
For donors, nearly any of the sites listed above are looking for research funding. But, here's an easy one!

For all you sporty types, one of the most creative fund raising efforts I've seen is sponsored by Major League Baseball Stands Up to Cancer! Go to the site, make a $5 donation, and own a virtual piece of your favorite team's stadium. Donations fund research in the fight against cancer! (Thanks to my dear daughter-in-law, Erin, a die-hard Pirates fan, for sending this one and Cleaning for a Reason!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Shoes Filled With Dollars -- Jill Haines
I am asking that you read her story and imagine that her story could be that of your mothers, daughters, sisters, or that of yourselves. Imagine her passion for this life and her vision of a world without breast cancer for all of you. I am asking that you take the time to read this, and pass it on to everyone in your mailbox and pass it on to your school or church group. I am asking that you take the time to confirm her belief in the power of one dollar. . . .Recently, Jill and I had a conversation about the power of one dollar in regards to funding research. Jill is alive today because of the dollars that were donated for breast cancer research over the last 25 years. She is currently on a drug that was not available just a few years ago. However, she is running out of options, and her life, like so many others, depends on the continued funding of research for breast cancer. The drug that may save her life might be right around the corner.As with most of us as we face our mortality, Jill is wanting to make an impact on this world before she leaves it. Its been a rough couple of months for her and she wants to do something that will leave a big footprint on this earth, with her name on it. Great minds think alike, because last year, when I was training for the Breast Cancer 3 Day, I constantly thought about the impact I could have, if I could just get one dollar from all the people driving and walking by.
I have lost my surgeon to cancer and many friends. Also my parents. I turned to Komen 3 years ago because I lived the dream of hope and wanted to share. The first year is definitely the hardest, because of all the emotions that come into play and life style changes. Year number 2 is one of uncertainty. Every cancer survivor wants that year number 5. The magic number. Why do we count? Are we counting down the days, or counting the days we are alive. Before Cancer days didn't matter.
Giveaway Winner!
Today, Diane, you are IN THE PINK as the winner of official Komen merchandise, a New Balance sackpack!

Thanks for being such an important part of this effort!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Courage -- Courtesy of Tricia Keegan

But, all you have to do is take one look into her electric blue eyes, and you know Tricia Keegan is special from top to bottom. Tricia, from the east coast of Ireland, wears shoes that exemplify the definition of courage. She is a master at transforming fear into determination and doing what must be done, even when it is difficult.
Tricia was diagnosed at age 46 with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), an aggressive form of breast cancer. Yet, she has endured surgery, radiation treatments, chemotherapy, and ongoing treatment. That courage and endurance has paid out well, and recently Tricia celebrated her fifth year as a breast cancer survivor!
Tricia's life is full with her supportive husband, two grown daughters and a house full of beloved cats; yet, she never fails to offer support to those who share her cancer experience. The message boards on the Komen website are full of Tricia's knowledgeable and compassionate responses to questions or concerns expressed by members of her breast cancer family. She notes, "I'm a strong advocate for educating people on their diagnosis, and do voluntary counselling at our local cancer wellness centre along with moderating a cancer support site." Then Tricia adds, "While I never would have asked for this disease, it's brought some amazing people into my life...." What Tricia doesn't seem to recognize, though, is how amazing she is.
For Tricia Keegan, who is quick to point out the attributes of others and slow to recognize her own: tomorrow, I'd like to borrow your shoes. I know they will not fit my feet, as they are packed with courage already. But, I will carry them with me as I run, and when fear of difficulty or distance creeps into my mind, I will think of your extraordinary example, and transform those doubts into determination.
For you, Tricia . . . here's to the next mile!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mile Marker: The Big 3.1!

And that's all I have to say about THAT!
Here's to the next mile!
The Luck of Betty Godby

Many tributes appear here in honor of brave and selfless individuals, but when I heard that Betty had been diagnosed with breast cancer, I was, to put it plainly, heartsick. Her tribute is the first I've written about someone I know personally with the disease.
Can you imagine finding out you have breast cancer, and calling yourself "lucky"? That's how Betty sees it.
I am really and truly very lucky for the type of breast cancer I have. It is called DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ), which is a very common type of breast cancer and is very treatable and curable . . . not that that takes away from the devastation of having breast cancer, but I could be in a lot worse shape, and there are people out there that are in a worse case then me.
My cancer is a stage zero which is really good; the doctor told me if I was going to get breast cancer that this is the type that you would want. So I am very thankful for the condition that I am in....
So, to Betty Godby, whose shoes are lined with good luck: tomorrow, I will borrow them for just a little while. With each stride of the run, I will be grateful for your good fortune, and hope that every stage of your breast cancer journey is paved with zeros!
Here's to the next mile!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Legacy of Sue Michener
In addition to all of her other talents, Sue was born a comedienne. Tricia K., Sue's friend, who is herself a five-year survivor of breast cancer, recalls that Sue "kept us all entertained while undergoing chemo, radiation, etc."
Sue posted frequently on the Komen for the Cure message boards. There, it is customary for members to include details of their diagnosis and treatment status in their signatures. But, Sue's sense of humor persisted in her messages right down to the last letter, and she signed off with the line, "recent Mammo...No new if I could just find my BRAIN...I'd be in business."
Tricia remarks that Sue was not only a dear friend to her, but also a "positive force in my life" and in the lives of many others. In fact, the affection felt for Sue so permeates the Komen forums that the members have made their own tribute of sorts, by arranging a page of "Classic 'Sue Michener' Posts." One of her messages -- about pizza, of all things -- had me in stitches.
SO, the phone rings, and it’s my ‘pizza guy’ calling to tell me that THEY ARE OUT OF WHAT I ORDERED.Sue's "Shortage of Pizza" story is only one example of the way she sought to lift the spirits of her kindred breast cancer family, despite her own suffering. Make your way on over to Komen for the Cure, become a member, and click on this link to read about Sue's indomitable spirit in her own words.
HOW can a pizza place be OUT OF PIZZA? Have the planets become mis-aligned when I wasn’t looking? Did someone play the numbers engraved on the hatch in LOST for lottery numbers? OUT OF PIZZA?
I had to sit down.
Sadly, Sue passed away in August of 2008, at age fifty-two, only two years after her initial diagnosis. Though Sue's legacy continues to make us smile, the loss of her life and the ensuing absence of joy she brought into the lives of others has been devastating to all who knew her. She is yet another example of the hundreds of thousands of people from around the world who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, all of whom demonstrate why finding a cure for this disease is so very critical.
So, to Sue Michener, whose legacy of comedy and kindness in the face of adversity remains vivid in the memories of those who love her: tomorrow, I'd like to borrow the shoes you left behind. I already know I cannot wear them, as they are affixed with the wings of angels. But, I will carry them with me as I run, confident that your comedic spirit will fly me to the finish line. There, we will chuckle about Kramer, pizza and mammograms.
For Sue . . . Here's to the next mile!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Mile Marker: Week 6 -- The iPod Glitch

Next, on to Week 7, which requires four eleven-minute running intervals with one-minute recovery walks. By the end of the week, my running distance will be well over two miles. Looks as if the training plan may need to undergo some major adjustments.
Now, if only there were fifty names on that wall of honor . . . .
Here's to the next mile!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A Double Dose of Selflessness -- Vanny Mam Cain

Vanny used up one pair of shoes trampling down her first diagnosis of breast cancer. Then, when the adversary raised its ugly head a second time, she had to go shopping for a second pair. But, she must have discovered exactly the right one, because as Dennis, her husband, recalls, "We decided to live." He adds, "She has gone through the shock, the chemo, second shock, surgery, radiation, and now medicines." And, despite Vanny's own suffering, Dennis remarks that many people undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments at the same time as Vanny were uplifted by her spirit. "She still has a heart for her friends that she met in treatment."
Vanny's shoes are fashioned with humor and altruism. Although she studied nursing formally, Vanny is a homemaker, and has spent many years selflessly devoted to the care of her son and husband. As Harold B. Lee once said, "The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes." So it has been with Vanny's work.
Today, Vanny's son is grown. Her husband, Dennis Cain, is a candidate for the State of Georgia's Commissioner of Insurance. Vanny supports her husband's endeavor with her characteristic humor and faith, and is doing quite well, I'm told.
To Vanny Mam Cain, whose shoes have guarded her past a course of double jeopardy: if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow them in the morning, just for a little while. My feet will not fit in those shoes, for they already overflow with a double dose of selflessness and faith. But, I will carry them with me as a red sun slides out of the darkness and into the eastern sky. There, I will see a reflection of your unselfish example, and it will lead me forward into the distance.
Here's to the next mile!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Give and Get Pink!

"Get In The Pink" graphic courtesy of

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Get In the Pink With a Bambino!
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Sturdiness of Lynda Boyd

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Mile Marker: Week 3 -- A Challenge!

With that information in hand, I employed an old trick. When the third segment began on the last running day of the week, I slowed the pace. I mean, I really slowed the pace. Onlookers may have wondered why I bothered to "run" at all. I could have walked as quickly. Then, instead of looking far ahead, I looked up only occasionally, just to be aware of traffic. Mostly though, my eyes were planted on the road just a few feet away. I thought of nothing but Libby Holter, Kaira W., and quite literally, putting one foot in front of the other. With Libby Holter's vision, I imagined a clear view of reaching the desired goal. And, by drawing from Kaira W.'s fortitude, I saw myself accomplishing the task, no matter what was required. Thanks to inspiration from those ladies, not only did I complete that most difficult third segment, but also easily finished the fourth and fifth segments.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Fortitude, As Known by Kaira W.

Kaira, a 32 year-old mother, whose three children all are under the age of 6, was faced with having to make critical decisions about her future and her family’s well-being. She immediately scheduled a double-mastectomy. As Kaira’s friend, Diane, describes, Kaira felt this aggressive solution to her illness was “the best way to protect her and her family's health.”
Diane admits that she is “awed and amazed” by Kaira’s extraordinary bravery. Despite her own dilemma, Kaira ". . . makes sure to get the word out on every step of her journey so that people understand it could happen to them and that we are not too young to get this horrible illness.”
With an eye toward supporting Kaira’s effort to “get the word out,” this tribute would be incomplete if it didn’t address breast self-examination, or BSE. As previously mentioned, the medical community seems to have divided into two camps: a) those who believe BSE has little or no value; and b) those who believe BSE is one of the primary instruments in the early detection of the disease.
- women don't do it; and
- women don't do it.
In her article Value of Breast Self-exam Questioned, author Elizabeth Smoots, MD, describes some of the difficulties women experience with this task: "Besides being difficult to do well, it’s hard to keep performing BSE consistently each and every month." Similarly, Mary K. Salazar and William B. Carter reported in their 1994 study entitled, A Qualitative Description of Breast Self-Examination Beliefs, that fewer than 40% of American women perform BSE with any regularity, and describe a variety of attitudes that contribute to that outcome, including ". . . too much time to do, too difficult, embarrassment about self-touch. . . ." Some estimate that the number of American women who do not perform BSE could be as high as 80%. Finally, there is consistent mention throughout the dissenting literature that those women who do perform BSE regularly often find benign lumps related to transient, cyclical changes, resulting in a higher rate of unnecessary biopsies.
So, what are practical options for women under the age of 40 who are not encouraged to have regular mammograms? Regardless of discussions to the contrary, much more information is available that underscores the importance of performing BSE regularly beginning at age 20 as part of a three-pronged approach to early detection. This comprehensive approach also includes clinical breast examinations (CBE) performed by a health professional every three years (or annually as we age), and mammograms, as discussed in a previous blog.
Multiple sites provide fabulous and detailed information for performing a BSE. In addition to Komen for the Cure, try out WebMD, About.Com, the American Cancer Society, or BreastCancer.Org for excellent guidance. One last site is worthy of mention because it also offers free shower card reminders. Go to HealthyWomen and download your free card, which was published in April of 2008 by the National Women's health Resource Center, Inc. Or, click on the image below for a larger version, print it out, stash it in a ziplock bag, and hang it in the shower.
Regardless of the guidance you choose for BSE, a number of common threads run through them. The first one is an emphasis on familiarity. Through regular BSE, you will become familiar enough with your breasts to recognize changes or symptoms that should be reported to your health care provider. Other common themes include the following:
- Always discuss with your health care professional the types and frequency of screening appropriate for your history, risk and age.
- Always combine BSE with CBE, and when appropriate, with mammograms.
- Perform a BSE the week after your period, or on the first day of the month if you no longer are menstruating.
- Perform BSE consistently, so that you are familiar with what is normal for your breasts.
- Try to perform the examination in the shower. If that is not your preference, perform it lying down.
- Check areas outside the breast, from the armpit to the collar bone, and below the breast, in addition to the breast itself and the nipple.
- Report any changes in size or breast shape.
- Report lumps, hard knots or thick areas.
- Report swelling or redness.
- Report any puckering or dimpling of the skin or nipple.
- Report itchy, scaly sore or rash on the nipple or skin.
- Report sudden discharge from the nipple.
- Report new and continuous pain in a specific spot.
But, hey, enough of that serious stuff. Check Your Boobies! No kidding -- that's the name of the organization, whose mission is to ". . . educate women about breast health in a frank, fun, and fear-free manner. [They] are dedicated to the prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer." And, if you're tired of Tupperware or Pampered Chef parties, make sure to take note of the resources and testimonials on this site for planning your very own "CYB Party."
So, for Kaira W., who is compelled to spread the news about the importance of BSE: I'd like to borrow your shoes in the morning, though I know I cannot wear them. Instead, I'll carry them with me and draw from the fortitude that fills them. Together, we'll go forward, no matter what is required.
Here's to the next mile!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Mile Marker: Give and Get Pink!

"Get In The Pink" graphic courtesy of

Monday, June 7, 2010
The Vision of Libby Holter

As a companion to Libby's balanced vision for recovery, she has a solid social system. She is confident her good prognosis is aided by "having the support of my family and friends who constantly cheered me and pulled me up and reminded me of the importance of love and life. Corny but entirely necessary!" She adds, "Allow family and friends to help you (you'd do it for them if they needed it, wouldn't you?)...."In general, optimistic people are less bothered by various illnesses and recover better from cancer and surgery. * * * The recipe for well-being, then, requires neither positive nor negative thinking alone, but a mix of ample optimism to provide hope, a dash of pessimism to prevent complacency, and enough realism to discriminate those things we can control from those we cannot.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Mile Marker: Race Registration, Check!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Wisdom, Courtesy of Linda Jessee Mills

Linda would agree that mammograms are one of the most important tools available for prevention and early detection of breast cancer. She had her first annual mammogram at age 32, but it was the one performed in the year of her 43rd birthday that likely saved her life. Through that test, Linda's early breast cancer was detected. Ultimately, her course of treatment included surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. But, to Linda, submitting to annual mammograms was paramount to her survival.
Recently, however, some evidence exists that the number of women who follow this advice is decreasing. One of the primary reasons for the decline includes the cost of mammograms for those who are not covered by insurance. If mammogram costs are a hindrance to you, call your local health department, or the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 for information about facilities in your area that perform the tests at low or no cost. The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) also provides breast and cervical cancer early detection testing to women without health insurance for free or at very little cost. To learn more about this program, please contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at 1-800-CDC INFO (1-800-232-4636) or visit their Web site at With help from these agencies, cost is not an obstacle. GET A MAMMOGRAM.

I believe that regular mammograms save lives. I am almost 60 now and have been blessed with an additional 16 years. As a nurse I was constantly hearing patients say that the mammograms hurt, to which I replied.....really....well in my "expert opinion" , it's a lot more uncomfortable to have your breast removed and undergo therapy.....all that with a smile....of course. Mammograms are a must for women....insist on them and encourage your daughters to discuss the need for early screening with their physicians.
Tomorrow, I will borrow Linda Jessee Mills' fifteen-year-old shoes. I already know they won't fit. They are filled with too much wisdom, grace, and humor for them to accommodate my feet. But, I will carry them with me across the next mile to demonstrate my admiration for the wisdom she shares and the inspiration she imparts to others. So, for you, Linda ... here's to the next mile!
And by the way, Linda is now in the business of surviving colon cancer. Her words of advice on that subject? "Get a screening can possibly save yourself a lot of grief!!!" At some point in the future, Linda, I'll be asking to borrow those shoes, too....
Monday, May 31, 2010
Mile Marker: Week 1 Done!

But, Week 1 is done! Last week's lessons of perseverance and hope definitely bolstered my motivation. I am grateful to Emily Jean Thorn and Linda Ramsey Beam for that.
During Week 2, the running intervals increase to two minutes each session, while the walking intervals decrease. And, I'm going to be inspired by the stories of several courageous patients and survivors of breast cancer, whose tributes will appear here. As always, it will be my privilege to borrow their shoes.
As for my own shoes, they are officially broken in, so here's to the next mile!
* * *
Don't forget to leave a comment about a breast cancer patient or survivor you know, and describe the positive influence this person has had in your life.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A Lesson in Hope -- Linda Ramsey Beam

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Perseverance -- The Legacy of Emily Jean Thorn

There is a bit of mystery that accompanies the seeds of influence each of us dispenses. Over the course of our lifetimes, we meander through our days, rarely ever knowing where those seeds have landed, if they have taken root, or if they have produced something useful.
It is doubtful that Emily Jean Thorn of West Virginia ever imagined, as she fought her breast cancer diagnosis through "thick and thin," that many years later her young granddaughter, Heidi, would recount her grandmother's strength of character. The legacy that Emily left to Heidi was to "never give up on anything even if the odds are totally against you."
To Emily Jean Thorn, whose seeds of influence have landed quite some distance from where they were first sown: today I will borrow the shoes you left behind. Though I cannot ever hope to fill them, I will take them with me, persevering through the next mile in honor of your legacy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
These Shoes Are Pink

After reviewing a calendar of 5K events occuring close to the time my training schedule will be completed, I've decided to draw attention to a very worthy cause -- the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on October 16 in Virginia Beach. And this time, I'm going across that finish line one way or another, be it on my feet, on my knees, or on my belly!
Over the course of the next few months, I'll continue to describe my training progress here. But, I'll be looking for inspiration. If you know someone who is a breast cancer patient, please leave a comment telling me her first name and last initial (full name is fine if she is comfortable with that), a description of her experience, and how her courage has affected you! All the names of breast cancer patients and survivors listed on this blog will be printed on my race-day Tshirt. It will be my privilege to take every one of these courageous women with me across the finish line.
Finally, once the race has concluded, I'll make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in honor of the women whose names are entered in this blog.
Graphic courtesy of

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Running in My Own Shoes
It turns out, much as I'd feared, that it will be necessary to start from the beginning. In a previous post, I'd described the scenario that runners dread after a long lay off, and this is it. But, the benefit of such a conservative training plan is that it should help to prevent any further injury.
The internet is packed with free resources for runners, including everything from videos of the science of foot strikes to marathon training plans for advanced runners. One of the many plans I reviewed is found on, and it has been modified to fit my own circumstances. Others can be located on websites such as Cool Running, the Mayo Clinic, and Runner's World. Click on the schedule to see a clearer version, if you like.
This two-phase, eighteen-week plan to reach the goal distance of 3.1 miles takes into consideration my age and current physical challenges (always check with your doctor when beginning a fitness plan). It also incorporates strength training and cross training. It is posted on the refrigerator, glaring back at me with every pass I make through the kitchen. I'm looking forward to drawing a big "X" over each block as the tasks are accomplished.
The idea behind this plan is to begin by ignoring distance, and to strive instead for sustained running through small and repeated time increments -- a "connect the dots" approach. For example, during the first week, the plan is to walk for six minutes, jog for one minute, and repeat both increments five times. A one minute sprint is included in the last repetition. Each week, the duration of walking time decreases slightly, and the duration of jogging time increases slightly. Over the course of eight or nine weeks, the dots connect, translating into a jog time of thirty consecutive minutes. At that point, distance is achieved automatically. At my slow pace, which averages about 3.7 mph, I should be covering around 1.8 miles in thirty minutes.
The 1.8 mile distance is a perfect beginning point for the second training phase during week 10 -- the training plan for a 5K. If all goes well, that should allow for participating in a charitable 5K event during mid-October.