This functional (and really pink) sackpack by New Balance folds up and stores away into an attached pocket the size of a coin purse. Just unzip the purse, pull out the knapsack, and turn the purse inside out for an extra zipped compartment. Great for day trips, it's light enough to sling over your shoulders for biking or walking. It is brand-spanking new official Susan G. Komen For the Cure merchandise and bears the organization's logo.

Around the end of September, the sackpack will go to a randomly selected commenter who has given the time and effort to help me write a tribute to a breast cancer patient or survivor. The name of each person featured in a tribute goes onto this blog's "race for the cure wall of honor," and will be printed on my race day T-shirt.
It would be my privilege to write tributes to 50 of these extraordinary people and to carry all of their names with me across the finish line on October 16. Please give a name, get in the pink and help me reach my goal by leaving your comments today!
"Get In The Pink" graphic courtesy of

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