If I can do this, YOU can do this! The American Diabetes Association wants to increase awareness through fitness. Run, walk, or crawl, as they say, anytime between June 21 through June 24, 2013. Select your own distance -- 5K (3.1 miles), 10K, or 13.1. Go alone or with a group. You have FOUR days to complete your distance. Get the whole family out for fun and fitness' sake. Just DO it!
This event is pure genius! Failure is not possible, unless you do nothing. Click here and navigate to the "Registration" tab to sign up for a modest fee of $13.25. The fee covers the cost of your entry, netting you a T-shirt and a medal. And, participant bibs can be printed right from the website. When the event is complete, participants simply submit their completion times via the site's Contact page. Voilà! Your medal arrives through the mail.
There are about three weeks left to prepare for this event. Need to increase your mileage or quicken your pace? The time to start is now. I'm registered. I have borrowed an incredible pair of shoes to describe for you soon. But for now, my recent heart attack and I are walking out the door.
What's stopping YOU?
What's stopping YOU?
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